Thursday, November 27, 2014


Life is full of uncertainty but there are two things of which I am sure:

I love Chinese food and I hate art.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not your garden variety philistine. Nor am I an indiscriminate gourmand. 

Some Chinese food is better than others and some art is more easily digested than even some TV. But the general rule still holds.

Wontons - yes! 
Syllogistic legitimacy - nyet!
Case in point the latest theoretical flavor of the month straight out of Berlin, Professor Friedrich Einsame.

Yes, we get cable here in snowy upstate New York and this, from the Arts and Ideas station (#234).

I'm on to this guy.

He's the toast of left wing Europe and the darling of the Academy. He's made a career of this kind of gibberish and the smart guys here in the U.S.A. eat it up like its liverwurst.

But hey! Even us rhubarbs know a thing or two.
Sometimes a trout is simply just a freakin' trout!

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