Friday, January 9, 2015


I don't know about you but I like a good chest.

And why not?

Life is short with ever diminishing pleasures so as long as there are still beautiful women out there eager to embellish the world with their bosom, I'm game for a nice 'ol unapologetic looky-loo.

 I'm a church-going, god-fearing humble servant of the gospel and I'm just trying to do the righteous thing. Our pastor leads a bible study group on Thursday nights and we just got through the Song of Solomon.

Interesting stuff.

Solomon 7:3 - "Your two breasts are like two fawns/twins of a gazelle."

And ...

Solomon 7:7 - Your stature is like a palm tree/And your breasts are like its clusters."

Go ahead ... look it up!

I hear from my friend Morris that in Hebrew it's even better.

 The good reverend explained that the verses are metaphors for a passionate love of god but even he knows that's a load of horse shit.  The bible is full of this NC-17 stuff.

In fact, if those pious custodians of The Word of the Lord would just level with us for once, maybe the pews wouldn't be so goddamned empty. 

But let's get back to the front.

When you come right down to it the whole thing is pretty comical. I mean after all, what's the big deal? I'm no Charles Darwin but why not eyebrows or elbows or toes or teeth? And why are nipples the ultimate taboo? A woman can be fine walking down the street half naked in a tank top and a mini skirt but so much as flash a glimmer of a blushing areola and all of a sudden you've gone too far. Even if you're wearing slacks, galoshes and a shearling overcoat, if those lactiferous ducts are seeing any sun you're offending public decency.  

It's all about deception, concealment and the unrealistic promise of more. Human nature can probably be accurately encapsulated by one's relationship to cleavage. Men who are indifferent are as good as dead and women who are modest and disapproving are probably extremely intelligent. 

Thank you dumb broads! 


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