Saturday, February 22, 2014

Corned Beef Versus Art

I once heard someone say "I don't know much about art but I know what I like."

Well these days, I'm not even sure what I like.

I make it down to New York City about once or twice a year. The last time was in December and since we couldn't get tickets to Mamma Mia we ended up seeing The Book of Mormon instead.

We should have gone to the Carnegie Deli and just call it a day.

I didn't laugh once. It seemed like I was the only person in the theater who was bothered by all the sacrilege. My wife and I argued about it for two full days until I put my foot down and refused to talk about it anymore.

It's not that I'm a big fan of the Mormon religion but I am a big fan of G-d and folks are entitled to worship the Lord in any way they choose.

It's sort of like abstract painting. If you're in the
club, everything is fine but if you tell people that you think its all a lot of B.S. than they look at you like you just fell off a turnip truck. That's why I stay away from the art museums. I don't want to get into any arguments.

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