Sunday, February 23, 2014


I think it's safe to say that most people wouldn't treat their dogs as if they were bunny rabbits or feed their parakeets last night's table scraps. And yet the growing trend among parents these days is to raise their son's like guppies. 

Boys have been turning soft for at least a couple of generations. Why do you think there are so many of these billionaire techies out there? When these kids should have been spending time outdoors learning to throw a perfect line drive they were cooped up inside playing games like Quake II and Doom. Ask these same genius adults to fix a busted 3/4" galvanized sprinkler pipe and they'll look at you like you had three heads growing out of your collar!

When are we going to wake up and start raising our sons to become men?

I've got nothing against reading but the way these schools force our poor kids to spend their summers struggling over sappy 150 page books is a cruel invasion of their free time. Summer is for swimming and for summer jobs and for being away from some stuffy classroom. Kids shouldn't have to think about their homework and boys especially shouldn't have to grow lazy burying their heads over something some "education specialist" thinks is important to nurture "positive values!" There's a lot more to education than what can be found in Lola Buys a Gift or The Torn Trinket of Tarrytown.

Give a boy a bat or a dirt bike or even a stupid skateboard and let him discover the world while he's breaking a sweat and bleeding through a cracked tooth.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Corned Beef Versus Art

I once heard someone say "I don't know much about art but I know what I like."

Well these days, I'm not even sure what I like.

I make it down to New York City about once or twice a year. The last time was in December and since we couldn't get tickets to Mamma Mia we ended up seeing The Book of Mormon instead.

We should have gone to the Carnegie Deli and just call it a day.

I didn't laugh once. It seemed like I was the only person in the theater who was bothered by all the sacrilege. My wife and I argued about it for two full days until I put my foot down and refused to talk about it anymore.

It's not that I'm a big fan of the Mormon religion but I am a big fan of G-d and folks are entitled to worship the Lord in any way they choose.

It's sort of like abstract painting. If you're in the
club, everything is fine but if you tell people that you think its all a lot of B.S. than they look at you like you just fell off a turnip truck. That's why I stay away from the art museums. I don't want to get into any arguments.