Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I always hated when old folks would dispense their idiot wisdom or offer their unsolicited advice with the odious introduction "when I was a kid..."

But now that I've reached the tender age of decrepitude I think I too have earned the right to be tiresome.
  And so ...

When I was a kid people read the newspapers. Damn it - children read the newspapers! They read books, played games, got dirty and if they watched television they watched it with their families.

They even watched The News.

People knew what was going on in the world.

Now in the alleged "information age" nobody knows squat.

Let me rephrase that.

It's precisely "squat" that they do know about - so long as it's some starlet or pop music putz that's doing the squatting.

My grandkids think Luxembourg is a kind of stinky cheese, they can't name a single Supreme Court justice and they don't even understand why the designated hitter rule is such a shamefully deplorable perversion.

There is, however, a silver lining.

They don't believe in god and they have no idea who this guy is: